Wednesday, February 16, 2005

ANEW : our music

Sent: 2/16/2005 9:36 PM

you and me are like birds calling in the fluorescent night
you call and call and chirp and squawk and call and call
and after one moment of silence as something creeps by
i call and call and squeak and click and call and call

then we begin singing and singing crescendos
of staccatos singing and sending our song

ANEW : vanity recedes

Sent: 2/16/2005 9:28 PM

it would be fasting
to give up my hair
to shave it off
to let it go
for i love hair
brushing softly
then hard
pulling strands
untangling knots
running through
with fingertips
eyes closed
at the scalp
with my sigh
because i want hair
to catch its fall
to net a trapeze
to keep its number
it should be lasting

ANEW : subway script

Sent: 2/16/2005 9:26 PM

i sit in the subway, alone
and i stop to listen
to the screeching and momentum
pulling towards stopping
and i think of life
in its pull and push
towards something
that i think i know
and yet something
that surprises me

ANEW : know i want this

Sent: 2/16/2005 9:19 PM

know that i want this
bloodshed to cease
spirits offered by violence
to become extinct
i want it to be over
for the rubble to be homes
for glass in windows
for running water and electricity
mothers not to need to worry
cleaned stained red streets
i want children to feel safe
creating memories of joy
when they leave their front door
rather than fear
because of what they saw
just seconds before
explosions, gunfire

i want there to be life
and for dreams to not
be dependent on anything

ANEW : naked

Sent: 2/16/2005 9:13 PM

after september eleventh
i decided to be real
really real
pull off the many masks
i had been wearing
and changing
and wearing
how much time was left
before everyone got to see me
as me for me

ANEW : nightowl

Sent: 2/16/2005 9:11 PM

i have become the
nightowl watching a
bubble gum ball roll
down the subway car
in haste towards
the exit door while white
lines by in the blackness
of the windows
mapping my nocturnal flight

shan't i be surprised
when my bubble bursts beyond
my exiting the train
to finding bright
light and day

ANEW : ask God for your love

Sent: 2/16/2005 9:01 PM

ask God for your love,
then let it go and
rest on Him. then be
patient knowing God will
answer Your prayer
right on time.

Friday, February 11, 2005

ANEW : a child

Sent: 2/11/2005 8:44 PM

a child knows to fall to the ground
when he hears shots fired
he climbs into the dirt road
looking for something to hold
he can't help the tears
remembering those he's loved
taken like this before
landing with hands over his head
listening for anything behind him
and after that exact moment
he runs
and runs
and runs
into his older brother's arms
who knows that he is too young
to live each day knowing
tomorrow might not make it

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

ANEW : honestly

Sent: 2/8/2005 9:34 PM

i honestly confess
that it will make me sad
if he is right
and all bloody battles must
go on and on
that killing many innocent
will ultimately give life
to each and all and everyone
for i thought
that we had
moved beyond that in time
that we were at a different place
than murdering, torturing
and sometimes slaughtering
human lives
all in order
to achieve peace

i do honestly confess