Friday, December 28, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : & Happy New Year

Sent: 12/28/2001 4:26 PM

I've been sitting here for the past hour or two trying to figure out what kind of "Happy New Year" picture I wanted to put on the front page of the site - not that it's a huge deal, mind you; however, I just wanted something fun and encouraging for everyone to see when embarking on 2002.

But the thing that keeps ringing in my ear and resounding in my heart is my greatest wish for ALL time - today, tomorrow, 2002 and beyond: I wish we would LOVE EACH OTHER damnit!!

Hard resolution for the new year? I hope not.

Wednesday, December 26, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : Merry Christmas!

Sent: 12/26/2001 1:49 PM

The day after Christmas. I'm a little late. I'm sorry. To be honest, I spent my entire Christmas day under my down comforter, fighting off chills, runny nose, body aches and cough with various teas, cold remedies, sleep, and intense prayer. The whole day, rousing from various slumbers, I would think, But I have so much to do. I can't be sick. I want to go to St. Patricks today and see the ice-skaters at Rockefeller Center. I want to call all my friends and wish them good tidings of great joy. Nevertheless, the only energy I could muster was spent putting the kettle back on the stove for another round of teas with honey.

There were times during the day that I wanted to cry in sheer misery of being sick on such a beautiful, special day. It was Christmas, and I was bed-ridden. What could be more awful? Nothing turned out like I had planned. But then, nothing ever really does. That's why faith is so important. And the realization came over me, as cliche as it may sound, Christmas shouldn't be just one day a year. Christmas day should be every single day of my life. The feeling of happiness, joy, love, peace, forgiveness, mercy, should burn daily in my heart, never ceasing.

So, although I physically may have missed the day marked on the calendar as Christmas Day due to the bacteria/virus reeking havoc on my body, my Soul vows to celebrate Christmas every day, for it has never been good at earthly measures of time.


all my love always

Sunday, December 16, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : to TIRED to remember

Sent: 12/16/2001 2:00 AM

From having to move out of my apartment by January 1st, to relaxing in the cradle of my friend's arms, my day is complete. Everything is okay, thanks to Leon and my own self-respect. I will not be homeless, unless it is God's will for me to be.

Must go to bed. Christmass Party tonight has me wiped out. Lots of fun. Lots of good wine, fantastic cheese and amazing people. Victoria's is a ball.

Friday, December 14, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : weathering the storm

Sent: 12/14/2001 8:52 PM

I moaned, slept, cried on my pillow, feeling so lost and alone. I knew God was there with me; however, there was no human connection to say, Chad, you're doing good, hang in there. I was bordering on ill. I would silent by the phone, blind at my e-mail. Where was my support? Why wasn't anyone checking on me? Didn't anyone care how I was doing? Didn't anyone realize that I was hurting?

However, arrogantly, I nevered cried out for help. In pride, I never let anyone know the pain I was feeling. I NEVER asked for support.

'Seek and ye shall find.'

Yet, I had not sought your help. Was I depending on God to flash a message before each of your eyes to say, go to Chad, he needs your support? Why? Am I so vain that I cannot admit when I am hurting to my friends and family? Am I so proud that I cannot humble myself to you and say, not everything is okay, not everything is hunkey-dory?

This past week has been one of suffering for me. I have felt bad not only physically and mentally, but also spiritually, as I have been weathering dark storms of my own.

Through the cold rain and black thunderclouds, you were there for me, but you did not see me, for I did not call to you. I sat in the rain, silent, alone while you were mere inches from me with an umbrella. Damn prideful silence. Oh, the lesson I have learned.

When I need help, I will cry out to you. And you should feel free to do the same, anytime at all.

Thursday, December 13, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : jumbled thoughts

Sent: 12/13/2001 10:53 PM

my hare stands at wit's end

i's bearly resting

eye feel something is clothes

bustle of dried rose petals in the breathes

There is a part of me that would love to be a poet; however, the above attempt shows otherwise. haha. Maybe someday, when I'm less preoccupied by more wordy explanations of things. When I can trust my imagery.

Still under the weather, I remain. I suppose I should say that the weather has been quite over me, for it feels more like an attack rather than a meandering storm. Nevertheless, I shall kick out of this little rough spot. It is, therefore, only a rough SPOT. Spots are never the entire surface. On to the surface, Sir Gurley, on.

I have been in great distress over these application essays. I tell you, it is no easy feat organizing your thoughts and ideas about your life. Well, it's hard for me anyway. There is a part of me that has so much to say, but I don't want my application to be a novella. Ugh. And then when I break it down, it loses a little meaning from each story I could cut.

Not that I've written anything, mind you. No, these are just plaguing thoughts that I can't seem to shake. My dad gave me some really good advice tonight, which I will take. Just start writing something, a little bit a day, set aside some time for essay writing. A very good idea. =)

I'm listening to one of my favorite piano suites. I have absolutely no idea who it is, what song it is or anything? Isn't that sad? I really need to know what I like. Anyway, it's on one of my college Music Appreciation class CD's, and it's simply tremendous.

What else to tell you? I'm at a loss for words. And your attention span is short, as is mine, so I'll just close, and not prolong this on both ends. hahahahahah! Have a wonderful day! And smile!

Monday, December 10, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Sent: 12/10/2001 9:48 PM

Tis the reason, Leon and I went out to buy a Christmas tree. We found a little tree seller a good walk away, near Neptune diner. There is where we found him. Our very 'cute' medium build green Christmas tree. He was light, so we decided to pop into Genovese and let him get a feel for what kind of tree he might want to be.

The first thing WE wanted him to be was standing, so we looked all over for a tree stand, to no avail. Nevertheless, we decided, we would make do. We continued shopping. We scampered up and down the ilses flowering them with pine needles. Saddly, our tree could find nothing he wanted to wear. Well, he did find a topper and lights, but no clothes. Nevertheless, we decided, we would make do.

I look over at our Christmas tree now and admit that I'm in love with him. He stands there, in a stand Leon found today, so proud; just beaming.

Topped with a lit shining colored star, our Christmas tree models various Leon/Chad creations: Snowflake paper stars, some multicolored; angels made of scrape fabric tied together with cake-box string; cut-outs of illustrations (one, big ole' blue lips) we had drawn sometime back; misc. nick-nacks we have around the house that we could tie strings around in order to hang; etc. Colored lights. And neckties, tied together, as garland surrounding it.

Yes, it is a little make-shift. I think it's perfect. =)


Sunday, December 9, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : L&C's Brunch

Sent: 12/9/2001 5:24 PM

Leon and Ceddy, that is. They miraculously performed an entire spur-of-the-moment brunch for friends. I think there were about 9 or 10 people, squeezed into Ceddy's cozy apartment. Mimosas in one hand, banana bread in the other. It was so warm on this cloudy, frosty day.

The funny thing was listening to Leon and Ceddy talk afterwards about how worried they were at times during cooking, and, alas, the worry was for nothing. Everything tasted divine, warm, perfect. (Even after Leon's translation of the French cookbook they were using.)

Another nice day. Another blessing. Thank you.

Ooops. I almost forgot. The menu:



Banana Bread - just from the oven, with pecans, cranberries, and raisins.

Salad of fresh vegetables with a vinagrette

Crepes - with cheese, with chocolate, with egg...

Salad of blueberries, blue cheese, and blues

Spinach Quiche



C'est BONNE!

Saturday, December 8, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : Beeyouteafull

Sent: 12/8/2001 8:29 PM

What a great Saturday, even with all the rain and cold weather. Adam and I volunteered at Park Avenue Church kitchen, which was a good time. Met some really cool people - on both sides of the table. An older homeless(?) woman told me that there was something deep in my eyes. She was beautiful.

After clean ups and goodbyes and an amazing over coffee conversation with Adam (thank you), I just walked in the rain, tasted the drops on my tongue, also dying to go to the bathroom, and finally went to the Met. It was lovely. The lights were low. The building was old. Music was playing up above on the balcony in the lobby. The piano, violin, and bass sounds bounced around the great room. It was beautiful.

In the Medieval Art Exhibit there is the naivity (sp?) scene of emotion filled figures. Beyond it there is a Christmas tree filled with angels flying and playing their instruments. And above them, at the top of the dark tree, is a huge bright star almost glowing. Intense. It was beautiful.

I was fascinated by the artwork that involved Christ. The different interpretations of His face from culture to culture, from age to age. And, yet, He was in each and every one of them just the same. It was beautiful.

Needing a drink to relax the intensity of it all, I went to the little balcony cafe that overlooks the lobby. People were sitting, drinking, conversing. I picked a table next to the edge of the balcony and ordered a champagne. Hell, I thought, it's Saturday night, you're here, you have no other plans, enjoy yourself. And I did. It was beautiful.

Thank you God for my little blessings.

Friday, December 7, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : For the Computer:

Sent: 12/7/2001 1:09 PM

I'm writing this from my bedroom, perched over my pillow. Nope, I'm not on a laptop either. This is the real deal, words from my heart through pen and paper.

My eyes have soften these past few days with word of war involving Israel and Palestine. My eyes have fought back tears for all the souls that are dying needlessly at the hands of other souls, whatever their cause. What is everyone dying for???

Some say for God. But what god are they really dying for? The god of money? The god of power? The god of glory? The god of nationalism? The god of self? I tell you the truth, these are not the gods I worship.

The God I worship wants us all to LIVE. The proof of that is in His sacrificing His only son to provide us life. What LOVE! What an amazing promise to humanity! If God believes in humanity, then why shouldn't we? You see, God has awakened my soul, and I'm overcome with love for every person walking this earth no matter who they are, what they worship, what they do. It's a beautiful gift I've been given. I'm so grateful.

"Silence your distractions and listen to your heart. It is there that you find Love. It is there that you hear God."

Wednesday, December 5, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : US kills its own

Sent: 12/5/2001 12:47 PM

I just read this in the news:

"Two U.S. soldiers were killed and 20 others wounded Wednesday when a U.S. B-52 bomber missed its target."

Can someone tell me what the hell we're doing? Am I the only one that thinks all of this is completely ridiculous??

Love not war. Sounds cliche, but it's true.

Sunday, December 2, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : there are times that suck

Sent: 12/2/2001 8:03 PM

I've picked up my old journals lately and have been reading them. It gives me an opportunity to remember the bads times and what I learned from them so as to not return there. I thought I'd share some of it with you. =) giggle


Somewhere, long ago and far away . . .

"I seem to be getting some kind of cold - my eye is swollen and hurts and congestion..............I don't know what else to write.................Since Randy didn't have any work for me, there was no reason to go into the city, so I practically spent the entire day in the apartment wanting to cry. Some for relief of the swelling and some because I'm so sad. My life seems so out of sorts and I'm not sure when I'll be able to put it back together again.........................When Humpty Dumpty fell off a wall all the kings or horses and men could not put him back together again.........................I'm not sure what else to write; I know I can fill these pages with anything and everything, but, for a while now, I've only felt rather simple - in a bad way, that is.......................What has happened? What is happening? And when will we get it figured out? WE? Why do I say we when it is only me.....................Me alone the lightening strikes in an open filed of dirt, root and toppled soil...........................God, I only ask for wisdom, strength and love.....................................The serenity prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.........................Love thyself."


Thank God for answered prayers. =)

Friday, November 30, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : what a day!

Sent: 11/30/2001 2:13 AM

Well, today was a big day for me, as most of you know from my insistent e-mailing. It turned out to be a big day for me for other reasons than visiting the seminary, though.

After the seminary visitation, my heart was weighted with what to do and where to go. I was overjoyed by the experience. I felt alive. I felt free. And, I didn't really want to go back to work because I didn't want to be distracted from the feeling. Union was wonderful. It felt like home.

I thought about going home. Home to my apartment in Queens, after that. But my great friend, Paul, is leaving to go back to Holland until next summer tomorrow, so tonight we wanted to have a last hurrah at a local bar. (I was actually considering dragging him to the Seminary Pub. Can you believe they have a Seminary Pub!? Too cool!) However, at that time it was only 5:00p and Paul said he wouldn't be out of the office until 7:30p or so.

Ugh. I hate trying to waste time. I find it so difficult to do. Especially when I don't have any money. I used to waste time shopping. Monetary constraints prohibit that form of wasting time nowadays. I opted to have dinner at Deluxe Diner. I had tomato soup and a grilled cheese (which they put on sourdough bread which made the sandwich a little less desirable). Over all, it was a nice warm meal on a chilly, misty, foggy, dark night. I ate feeling a little anxiety about how I was going to spend the next 2 and 1/2 hours. God, what was I going to do. I wrote in my journal, "I hate wasting time."

I finished dinner and then remembered that St. John the Divine was just around the corner. I could go inside there, listen to my CD player, chill-out with God after a day of intense Theology, get out of the rain and cold. Yes. It was Perfect.

I walked up to the cathedral at 5:45p; they closed at 6:00p. Okay, I thought, here's where I can kill at least 15 minutes before I have to meet Paul. In my headphones, Jill Scott was stupendously singing, "I was blind but now I see," I walked down the center of the cathedral. Finding a seat on the front row, I started grooving with Jill, the statues of saints, and God. Tres cool.

"The Cathedral is closed." was echoed through the gothic building. I grabbed my stuff and walked towards the door. Our Catholic sisters and brothers were doing a ritualistic cross over their hearts as they backed out of the sanctuary. I smiled. I liked that. It just seemed so reverent. But not being Catholic myself, I felt a little weird doing it. Instead, I got to the door, turned around, faced the sanctuary, and bowed. Kind of a respectful, thank you for having me, God.

When I walked outside I realized just how much time I could kill looking at the cathedral's architecture. It's a pretty amazing building. The craftsmanship of the details make it like none other. If you haven't seen it, you should. =) As I was standing there, looking at the architecture, I noticed a man stumbling towards the steps that lead to the cathedral's door. Perhaps he was drunk? I wasn't sure. I looked back up at the atrium above one of the side doors. I wondered who those statues were. Why did they all look so frightened as they looked up towards heaven? Seemed wrong.

I turned around and looked out towards the street as I lit a cigarette. It was still misting, but it was warmer, and the mist felt good against my cheek. I looked to my left. That man was crawling, on his hands and knees up the wet cathedral steps on his hands and knees. That was weird. Maybe he was going to get out of the rain by curling up in one of alcoves. I started to walk away.

He made it to the alcove and before the door of the cathedral, he laid in a huge bow. I was a bow that said, "Have mercy on me, God." It was breath-taking. Powerful. Overwhelming. My mind said, he's drunk. My heart said, he's in pain. And there he was, at the top of the stairs, before the door of God in a huge bow, in pain. Again, my mind, go home. He'll be okay. Someone will take care of him. My heart, go to him.

Just today, in chapel at seminary, the scripture lesson was Matthew 25:31-45. Basically, Jesus was saying take care of everyone, just as I would want to take care of Jesus if he happened on my path. It still echoed in my mind.

I went to him. There was a light shining straight down from the center of the atrium. It was an eerie, holy light, that, in the mist, was a distinct spotlight on the broken man kneeling before God. It was such an intense moment, that I almost couldn't believe it was happening.

I asked him if he was okay, and he immediately began to cry. Gonzales is Mexican, 38 years old. I wish I could speak spanish. It would have made the night much easier. But I didn't, and I had to fight my way through the language barrier in order to tell him that God loved him and that although the cathedral was closed, God would hear his prayer anywhere, even on that step outside the door. He began to cry harder, and I felt moved to hug him. He lay there in my arms, helpless, afraid, and completely trusting of a stranger. I was glad the stranger was me.

There came rustling at the door and the Cathedral employees bolted out the door as if a whistle had been blown. They immediately took notice of the man kneeling in front of the door, sobbing. I told him that he was praying. Barely recognizing me, the lady turned to her colleagues, "What should we do with him? I guess we'll take him down to St. Luke's, and they can handle it." My soul cried in outrage at their insensitivity; however, I simply said, "Don't worry about it. I'll take care of him."

After they left, and all was silent again, Gonzales again began to weep. He wanted to crawl all the way to the alter to pray, to repent his sins. His breath was rank with alcohol. "Do you want help?" I asked him, "This is an important question, do you want help?" Through tears he said, yes. My friend, Bernard, had given me a little mini-rosary with St. Therese on the front and "Pray for Us" inscribed on the back. Knowing that this man was Catholic, I removed it from my backpack and gave it to him. He doubled over in sobs. "Thank you. Thank you." He raised his finger upwards and looked at me. He said 'God' in Spanish and then, "Thank you." Then I could contain myself no longer and began to cry too.

On the steps of St. John the Divine Cathedral, two spirits gave to one another in unique ways.

What happened?

I helped Gonzales down the stairs, and after much affirmation with the minute spanish I know, we started on a trek for the emergency room at St. Luke's Hospital just a block away. Emergency rooms are boring, so I won't go into grave detail except to say that we (and "we" means Nez and me, because she came to give ME some support - bless you Nezerly!!!!) We got him help. And when we left him with a promise to return tomorrow, he was smiling, saying, "Thank you, my friend, Thank you."

Thank God. =)

These are amazing times. God bless.

Monday, November 26, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : My Family

Sent: 11/26/2001 12:23 AM

Never have I been so in love with my family as I am right now after my visit home for the Thanksgiving holiday. Mom, Dad, Tara, and I had a wonderful visit. Sure, we had our ups and downs like all families do, but overall, it was one of the best visits home I've had since I moved to New York. Perhaps it's because my perspective has changed. Perhaps it's because we're starting to understand each other as people beyond the titles of "dad", "mom", "son", "brother", "daughter", "sister". Perhaps it's because we're growing up, and as we get older, we are realizing the value of each other. Perhaps recent tragedies have taught us that we can take nothing for granted, that we aren't guaranteed tomorrow, that the four of us - always a close family - still have room to get even closer.

Today we decided to make a brand new start, to support each other more than ever before, to be sensitive to each others' issues, to be considerate of each others' feelings, to respect each other in their situations, and to continue loving each other no matter what life throws our ways. Let me tell you, it may sound easy, but it's not. Mom, Dad, and Tara are three unique individuals that I know almost as well as I know myself, and that can be a pretty scary thing at times. Just as they know just what to say or do to push my buttons and set me off on a tantrum, I have the same capacity. It's kind of like those lines you hear in movies, "Now that you have this knowledge, will you use it for good or evil?" Well, from now on, we've decided to use it for GOOD!

As I think about it, I realize that I am so blessed to EVEN HAVE a family that can even talk about such things, much less to have a family that can stand together in the den, hold hands, and pray to God to help us love each other more and more as the holidays roll by. Can one be overly blessed? I feel so.

I love you Mom, Dad, and Tara, always and forever.

Friday, November 16, 2001

Chapter 2: Moments

Sent: 11/16/2001 11:28 PM

There is never a moment that is wasted. Remember that always.

A moment you share during your day or evening is one well spent, especially if your companion was as lovely as mine. Moments. Count them. Look at them when you lie down before you go to sleep at night. What moments do you remember of your day?

If the moments you see on the movie screen in your mind, just before you fall asleep at night, are bad: you frustrated at work, you annoyed at the world, you spilling coffee all over your new silk blouse; then CHANGE it, damn it! No more. No more, honey! No more moments in this life we're living spent miserable.

Take it from me. For the past few weeks, I've gone to bed with some pretty AMAZING moments running across my mind's movie screen. Those details are only shared between me and another. ;-)

So what? It wasn't happily ever after, but it made both our recent moments in life pretty damn good.

Sunday, November 11, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : Glossary Word for the Day

Sent: 11/11/2001 11:02 PM

Glossary Entry:

Mr. T = very, very (;-)) cute guy that responded to my PlanetOut ad, you know the one that I mentioned yesterday: the one that not only wears gucci loafers (LOL j/k) but also "gets me"; also known as the hipply dressed guy who came over to our apartment today, holding 4 african daisies, to help me spounge paint our den. Now that's dedication to a first date! LOL

Hmmmmm. Another entry? Well, that's it. That's the only vocabulary word of the day. And it's mostly for future reference. So keep it in mind.

For those of you worried that this is beginning to take a turn towards Sex in the City by a southern gay boy, stop worrying. It's not. This journal is about my life, and that part happens to pop up now and again. No pun intended.

CHAPTER 2 : snip, snip

Sent: 11/11/2001 2:49 AM

Okay, don't freak out Mom, but I cut my own hair and I think I might have messed it up just a little bit (be quiet, Nez, I did a really good job on your hair, the longer side looks punk, and it's been getting you a lot of attention ;-)); however, I really think that it will have grown out by Thanksgiving. Sorry.

It was just bothering me. My hair grows really fast on the sides nowadays but doesn't grow as fast on the top. I think those little hairs up there are just slowly peering out before they take the final leap. Don't jump. I'll make you longer than the sides. Ugh.

So we have this little clipper-cutter, and I put on a 1/4 inch, I think, I don't remember, anyway, it was going to be really short, but I wanted the sides short remember, so I thought that it was going to be fine. b r e a t h e . So I started on the sides and it was looking pretty good, and then I started around the back, and, of course, once the little clipper cutter goes back there you can't see what you are doing anymore. You just have to feel it. And sometimes you feel it wrong. And that's when a big clump of brown hair falls into the sink. (Along with a tear from me knowing how badly I'm messing my head up.)

So it looks a little punk. Punk seems to be going around with my friends lately. It must have something to do with the hair. Leon had a mohawk for a while. Nez has a lop-sided-punky-doo courtesy of moi. And now I have that, "Just released from the mental ward" look. My God. What are they going to think in church tomorrow.

I have a date tomorrow too. I don't know how much I want you to know about this yet, mostly because all my others have been such flops. (And I mean that in the nicest way possible.) Do I dare spill the beans prior to even going on a date with this person? I'm nervous. But what the hell. You never get to hear this part of me.

Well, he's a really nice guy and from his picture, he's a pretty cute guy too. He responded to the ad I had up on PlanetOut. No, no. Don't go there. ANYWAY - He wrote a nice e-mail. I wrote an excited e-mail. He wrote an intense e-mail (that also happened to have the word "gucci" in it. I wrote a short e-mail. Funny, when did I become such a foe of money? Can someone please tell me?

Then we talked on the phone. And, I don't know, there's just something about it. It's like he gets me. And it's nice. So we're going to meet tomorrow. Sometime before I spounge paint our den.

Well, it's been nice talking to you. Don't be a stranger. Let me know what's going on with you every now and again. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 9, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : Warning: Dating Life

Sent: 11/9/2001 11:03 PM

Well, I decided to put an ad up again on PlanetOut, a gay and lesbian personal ads site, and got some responses. After a few dates, well, I think there have actually been 6 in total, I have decided to retract my ad from public's viewing and to let nature take its own course as far as my love life is concerned. I will no longer attempt to control it or to provide a catalyst to ignite it. I will just be. And that love life will just have to come upon me while I'm just in the state of being if it is to happen. (And I believe it will happen.)

There have been six guys from the internet, all unsuccessful, and unsuccessful each in their own way. I don't know. For whatever reasons, and I'm not going to go into it here, they just haven't resulted in any 'magic'. And I know this 'magic' exists. I'm just realizing that I might be looking for it in the wrong places. So, guys, I'm going to start a journey looking for the ultimate love in the right places, and, who knows, if I find someone that shares in it with me, that'd be okay too.

CHAPTER 2 : Why is there suffering?

Sent: 11/9/2001 5:04 AM

Nezerly's father had a stroke last night. We don't know many other details beyond that. Nez just couldn't stay on the phone long enough to listen. She didn't want to hear. She wanted to be on a flight to Chicago. Better yet, she wanted to be right there in the hospital with him and her family rather than being in chilly New York City.

Alas, she was here and was going to be here until 6:25 a.m. this morning when the first flight to Chicago from LaGuardia would depart. Our friend, Rizan, stopped by and stayed the night with Ines and me while we waited. Patience.

The resounding cry from the living room's hardwood floor was, "Why do we have to suffer during life?"

Growth. Growth for that great plan of life. I try to think of all this as studying for the Final or training for the Race. It can be painful, and it can cause great suffering, but it has to be done. No ifs, ands, or buts. For His plan to succeed, it must be done.

May I offer a desperate prayer, 'Do you mind if we rest for a while?'

Friday, November 2, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : Leaves

Sent: 11/2/2001 11:55 AM

Have you looked at the trees lately? Have you noticed the colors?

The bus ride to work has been filled with passengers staring at their newspapers and the horror in the world. Very few take a look out the window over the river as we cross the Triborough Bridge. It's a tough time. Friends of mine don't have jobs nor do they have prospects. Anthrax has hit New York; New Yorkers walk around with gloves on their hands, masks over their mouths and noses. My west coast buddies are worrying about threats on their bridges. Our campus security is getting tighter and tighter. They closed the library this morning.

Lately, it's been easy to overlook the autumn leaves. It's easy to forget to pay attention to the trees, on fire, with red, orange and gold. For them, life is going on as normal. For us, life seems to have changed. But as an acorn whacked me on the top of my head this morning, I realized that nothing about everyday life has really changed (aside from necessary inconveniences). What HAS changed is my heart, and, honestly, the fall season has never looked better. Thanks God.

Saturday, October 27, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : divaD

Sent: 10/27/2001 1:00 AM

The last message that I wrote here was written at 12:43 AM. It is now, 12:43 AM again, and here I sit typing away to you.

So how are you? What's going on? I feel out of touch lately.

I had a wonderful visit with my parents - the best ever - and I sacrificed parts of my life this week because I love them so much. With some tearful hesitation, I bid them goodbye last night in front of the Orpheum after seeing Stomp. Kisses goodbye, and then we were separated. It was sad.

But, ah, then it's good to have some of those parts I sacrificed back again. Oh yes it is. LOL Ahhhh. I see where your mind is. No, no, I'm not talking about THAT! I'm talking about sleep; and being lazy in front of the television; and playing on the computer. Get your mind out of the gutter, pleeeaze!

Now, I have to try to get back into a routine of some sort. God only knows how that will progress as I continue to learn so much every day. Do you feel that way lately? Like you're learning a little bit everyday about life, the world, what's around you? It's intense for me, I must say.

But it's all good. I've got some great friends that are amazing support. YOU! Thank you for being there for me. I don't know if I say that very often, but I should. You give me a helping hand through life. You're a blessing to me. You have no idea.

Wednesday, October 24, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : Get Ready For the Loving of a Lifetime

Sent: 10/24/2001 1:43 AM

It's now or never.

Prepare to be loved.

Sunday, October 21, 2001

BEGINNINGS : 'rents Tour

Sent: 10/21/2001 8:43 PM

It surprises me that there are those of you out there who actually enjoy reading my ramblings. If that's you, then thank you. I really don't know what to say. =)

My parents arrived in NYC on Saturday and were able to come over to my apartment and take a look at the actual little spot in this huge city that I call home. I was very excited. So excited, that I spent four hours cleaning before they arrived. It was virtually spotless. Let's just say, I even managed to surprise Leon, which says a lot!

Today we went to Riverside Church for morning services. One of the ministers got up at the pulpit and began to speak on the different social phenomenon which were displeasing to a her as loving Christian woman. One of those happened to be homo-PHOBIA! I wanted to cry in joy as I heard her, a minister, talk, in the Church of God, about how the hate against homosexuals HAS TO STOP! Praise the Lord! Furthermore, tears did spring to my eyes when I realized that I had my mom's hand in mine.

After church we went to Grant's Tomb where above it is etched in stone, "We need peace," Grant's motto of sorts. Then to Grand Central for the exhibit of UK & US Partnership: demonstrated in modern furniture, style, technology, etc. It was pretty damn cool actually.

Then they wanted to go to the World Trade Center. Then my day started feeling tired and dark. Then I wanted to go home.

I didn't do much looking around when we were down there. I don't know. There was just something disturbing about being near that location, where so many people died at one time. It seemed haunted and sad. It seemed . . . a word doesn't come to mind that would recall it from your memory banks. You'd have to see for yourself, although I do not recommend it.

After shouts from the police and army cadets that no one was allowed to take pictures, my head starting hurting, and I wanted to go. I looked towards my parents. They looked sad. Tragedy, right in front of their very own eyes. Not in a picture. Not on the television screen. Right there, mere blocks from where they stood. We left.

Down to the Statue of Liberty still standing tall, across to Battery City Park, over to the Jewish Hertiage Muesum, then back up to Grand Central Station where we accidentally almost left Dad behind as he struggled with his MetroCard in the turnstyle. "Please Swipe Again" beeped at him before it reported, "Just Used". Subway drama.

Cheesecake at The Brooklyn Diner was followed by putting my parents in a cab and wondering when I had been this tired last? Was it when Tara came to visit?

To bed with me. Have a super day!

Friday, October 19, 2001


Sent: 10/19/2001 5:54 PM

This last couple of days have been AWFUL. I don't know if I'm just anxious because my parents are coming or if I'm just annoyed with everything that's going on in the world or if I'm just disenchanted with the whole dating thing or if I'm just overwhelmed with all the tasks I'm having to complete at work or what. Okay. So, it's probably a combination of all of those, but, nevertheless, it's made for an exhausting and depressing past few days. So much so that I haven't seen my friends all week. It has sucked.

Last night, I got home from work, put in my Jars of Clay CD, sobbed a little, zoned a little, and then went to bed deciding that I should become a monk. Not fun.

Fortunately, this is Friday and the vast weekend looms before me with great possibilities. Mom and Dad will be here tomorrow and are planning on coming out to the apartment for the afternoon which is so exciting for me. They haven't been to visit me in NYC in 5 years! My life has evolved so much since then that they will get to see New York through new eyes.

I must close for now. My friend Paul and his girlfriend Shirley are here, and we are going for afterwork drinks. Until later . . .\

P.S. As for becoming a monk, well, let's just say I was quite the drama queen last evening.

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

BEGINNINGS : The Little Things

Sent: 10/17/2001 12:28 PM

I cannot get to work on time. It's something that I've just always had a really hard time doing. Even if I wake up at 4:00 a.m., I'm still bound to get to work late. I'll miss a bus. The Triborough Bridge will be closed for inspection. My bus will stop at every stop along the way.

Well, I'm beginning to get on my nerves with the late thing. Granted, it was fun for a while, being perpetually late, but now - when I WANT to get to work on time and can't - well, it's just damn annoying.

So here's the plan, in case you were wondering:

1. Go to bed earlier.

2. Get up earlier.

3. Get a new alarm clock.

4. Put the new alarm clock on the other side of my room.

5. Get another new alarm clock.

6. Put that new alarm clock on the other side of the other side of my room.

7. Take the subway instead of the bus. =( I love the bus.

As you can see from the above, it looks like my problem is sleep. My body has absolutley no desire to wake once it has fallen asleep until exactly 8 hours later.

Any suggestions? (Besides growing up and being responsible.) =)

Sunday, October 14, 2001

BEGINNINGS : the new american

Sent: 10/14/2001 10:15 PM

“the new american"

Shadows of wings
of missile-clad, military aircraft
fly across the wet reflections
of my human
on the shower floor.

I sigh at what they’re there for.

Black box static
in rich american technicolor:
“deTHpiKable acts, no mercy”
segregates me
from my planet, Earth.

I mourn for Sylvester’s bird.

Shower drops fall
with tears of empathy for my brothers:
friend, partner, kinfolk, lover who
jumped like lab rats
from the guillotine.

I repent my brother’s sin.

My Soul cries out
in pain for humanity, the end near.
My terrified child, bound and gagged,
wriggles escape.
He stands and preaches.

I listen to his teachings:

“Break from shower
shadows! Flush the black box and dry away
your woes! Take from me your wings. To
them give new life.
Set our angel free;

Be strong, feel love, show mercy!”

BEGINNINGS : sunday afternoon thoughts

Sent: 10/14/2001 2:59 PM

my mom and dad are coming to visit soon. i have to say that i'm really excited about that. it will be nice to see them, especially following everything that has happened. i could use a couple of big hugs.

leon's birthday was on friday. nezerly, c., leon, and i headed to limelight after a quick drink with m. (protecting the innocent). we had a great time. lots of dancing, chilling, laughing. There were only exactly four distressed sighs during the evening due to the four fights that broke out at the club. New York is tense let me tell you. With America on Red Alert from other attacks (besides an anthrax case mentioned here as well), we, New Yorkers are a little on edge - and that's more than usual. Not too much fun actually.

But what can you do but just keep hanging in there. Death doesn't scare me. It may take me from the world, but it won't subtract me from life.

Wednesday, October 10, 2001

BEGINNINGS : just flabberghasted

Sent: 10/10/2001 8:29 PM

i don't know what to tell you really. i'm perplexed. i'm at a loss for what to do. i went to a speakout for peace tonight only to discover that no one had shown up yet. by 7:30 p.m. (it was supposed to start at 7:00 p.m.) i gave up and came home. it IS possible that those 7 people in a circle shooting shit WERE the peace speakout; however, i was uninspired by their cliche. that's awful, huh?

and the war wages on

work is good actually. i'm finding myself keeping really busy doing my job so as to not have time to ponder what's going on in the world. now that's one way to get increased work performance out of an employee. at any rate, it's going well, and i'm really getting the hang of it, which is exciting. of course, i still find time to worry.

and the war wages on

oh my. my love life? well that's non-existent at the moment. i don't know, i just can't seem to go out looking anymore. if it's going to happen, then it's going to happen to me, because, right now, i'm far from searching.

and yet this damn war wages on, and i don't know how to stop it, and i don't guess i can, so i'm going to have to continue pushing for its end to be sooner rather than later. very soon. we need peace guys. we need to start loving one another.

i'm going to make a bold leap here and encourage each one of you to really start loving each other out there. it seems hard at first. talking to a stranger. smiling at the lady with the baby. but once i did it, it was a breeze. days filled with love my friend. some days will be better than others, that goes without saying, but when they're lived through to the end with love, well, those days are the best. How'd you like the rest of your days to be the best? They can be. All you have to do is be in love with every human being on the earth. Feel every pain, happiness, hunger, generosity. Look around you. Look at the people you work with, go out with in the evening, see on the street, in a bus, on the subway, in a passing car, look at them and know that they ARE somebody going somewhere doing something with their lives. And, damnit, love them for living this rough life just like you are. If I sound preachy or naive, then let me. Just think about it.

It's sounds cliche, but love IS the key. Let your heart be heard. Bring it into conciousness. It's telling you something. It's screaming to your rational brain. It's saying something. so listen. just stop, and listen.

by the way, let me know what you hear.

Monday, October 8, 2001

BEGINNINGS : Human Nature

Sent: 10/8/2001 3:44 PM

Human Nature. That's the buzz word I've been hearing lately. I hear a lot of, "Yes, I agree with you, but you are overlooking human nature." Am I? What is human nature exactly? And is war just human nature? Is war something that we, as human beings, are unable to prevent because it IS us? Is that "just the way the world is"?

To tell you the truth, I'm tired of us always justifying the bad things in the world by saying, "Well, that's just the way things are." I'm sick of hearing that "life isn't fair" when it could at least be a little more fair than it is now. Why do we accept these statements? Why do we allow ourselves to stop dreaming of a better way? There has to be a better way for us ALL to live.

Can we find it? Please say you have hope that we can.

Thursday, October 4, 2001


Sent: 10/4/2001 2:04 PM

Man, I pick the worst guys ever. I don't know how it happens that the guys that I find attractive and connect with end up being the biggest jerks on the face of the earth. Blah. Well, I don't have time for boys anyway. I'm much, much too busy. However, it would be nice to have someone to snuggle with on one of those exhausting days. Nevertheless, when it's time, it will be time. No rush.

Thursday, September 27, 2001

BEGINNINGS : Testing 1.2.3

Sent: 9/26/2001 11:05 PM

So you are going to be my guiena pig, okay? I hope you don't mind. See I'm going to get a little crazy right now, and you are invited along for the ride. Buckle your seat belt. Please keep all arms and legs inside the cart at all times. (Yeah right.) Let's go. off.

Where was I? I'm sorry. I had to pop out for a moment and change the music to something a little more writeable. No. That was writeable too, but it just didn't have the same effect. It kept leading me into some movie score that I'm not ready to share just yet. So this is a little lighter.

Ahhh. But you caught me there. Nothing is really much lighter these days. I hate that I'm saying that, "these days". It's so gross. Nevertheless, it's true. We are having these days. But that's okay, because someday, they'll be THOSE days! Thank God when we get there. The grass is always greener.

It could be though. Really. If we all start really loving each other, then we could get somewhere. If we all started loving each other, then the grass could be a lot greener - everywhere! What do we have to do to get everyone to love each other? I know we have it in us! Let's let love out of the closet and spread a little around. Paint the town red with love!

You know what helps me. Every single person I see daily, I imagine their life, what's going on today, where are they going, who is their family, what did they just buy at the supermarket? Are they having a dinner party? What was the whipped cream for? Was she sad? Had something gone wrong? etc.? And suddenly, that blank face that I used to see every day becomes an actual person. Amazingly, I can find myself overcome with emotion for them. So strong, that I find myself wanting to hug a complete stranger.

Some may say that I'm crazy. I say, then let me be crazy. I want this world to be everything we all want it to be. I want this world to be a true democracy where every global citizen has a say in what's going on in the world. It's the only way our planet will survive. And we can get there now! We don't have to wait until aliens come and attack us, and we all join as "humans" to defend the world. NO!!! Let's start loving each other now - because we want to! It's just so much better. It makes me smile. Peace on Earth. Can't it happen?

I don't know what else to say today. I doubt that anyone reads this anyway. I don't know. I still like doing it. It journals my thoughts which toss and turn. And in watching the toss and turn, I can find the place of still waters.

Wednesday, September 26, 2001


Sent: 9/25/2001 11:43 PM

These past two weeks feel frought with mistakes. Perhaps the mistakes themselves are exactly what needs to happen, but still, I can't help but feel disappointed by my misgivings. And in that disappointment, I search around for someone's support. Who is it? Who can lift me up from my lowest of lows?

You'll never guess. I actually found it a little surprising myself - pleasantly surprised, mind you - well, it's God, that's who. He has a plan for me. I know it. I believe it. He's seemed close to me during all of this. A warmth that erupted confidence in my soul. This little light of mine. I'm going to let it shine.

As the days pass though, the winter winds are nipping their way through the city. That plan, for whom the confidence was birthed, is seeming unclear to me. What's God's purpose for me? I have no idea what it could be. And in having no idea, my doubts begin to sweat. Is it an igloo's suana in here, or is it just me? Before I know it, I'm soaked and confused and wondering about everything and everyOne.

But patience my son. Life is made of countless days to those who believe. Savour each one.