Sunday, March 27, 2005

ANEW : cry out about your lives

Sent: 3/27/2005 8:19 PM

cry out about your lives
good poets
sing out and loud about
all that you see
do not hesitate to speak
your mind to us
and quicken our hearts
at familiar sounds

cry out about your lives
honest poets
tell us your story here
while among us
if there is depth to be
found in existence
you must be the ones
to illustrate it

cry out about your life
inner poet
live the word you want
to write upon a page
of the chapter
stanza and verse
of your book of life
which is now

now go
and tell it

Monday, March 21, 2005

ANEW : whatever is going on

Sent: 3/21/2005 11:06 PM

whatever is going on
i trust You
i can hardly say what is
but it is
and it is something
there are times when i feel bad
like longing
leads to nothing
but i wearily hope
and hope
towards something
for i know
it's You i seek
and eventually
You'll be found
so i'll continue
in whatever is going on
and be

just be

Friday, March 18, 2005

ANEW : Maranatha Prayer, March 13, 2005

Sent: 3/18/2005 11:06 PM

Our Most Dear and Loving God,

We thank You for this glorious day and all that is in it. We praise your Holy Name for all the many blessings that you give us as well as the struggles that strengthen us and our eternal bond with You. We trust You in all things, dear Lord, and know that all is working towards Your glory and Your good.

Dear God we are so ever grateful for this man, your servant, Dr. James Forbes, here before us today. He is our minister, our friend and our brother, and we are continually renewed by the message You have given to him in including us in Your family, inviting us under Your wing. Many of us, if not all of us, have been touched by his words of Your Love for us, and our lives have been changed and blessed by this wonderful man. We are so grateful to You, dear God.

In this hour, Lord, we beg you to come into this room. Fill each and every one of us with Your Holy Spirit. Embrace our hearts so that we may ask your messenger the questions that You would have us ask, the questions for the answers You have already laid upon his heart. Fill us and fill Dr. Forbes with your divine wisdom, dear God. Help us to ask and speak in honest Love so that when we leave this room, we will be filled with Hope and strengthened in Faith.

We ask all these things in your precious Son's Name, Jesus Christ.


ANEW : need it

Sent: 3/18/2005 10:57 PM

i don't want it to be
through violence
that i find that light of love
and share to each and all
the care of you

i don't want it to be
a bomb's fall
that i seek you in the dark
and reach to my only
the hand of yours

i do need it to be

ANEW : boll weevils in egyptian cotton

Sent: 3/18/2005 2:45 PM

i have become a slave to the
boll weevils in my egyptian cotton
i am accustomed to their burning holes
in my ecru to crimson flowers
their gripping hooks from green
leaf to swollen budding seed
injecting long needled snouts
to suck life from my field
i no longer am surprised when their
eggs laid multiply into plague
my dying fruit their crib and milk
before they blossom into a new swarm
leaving my puffy snow white fruition dead
never to be born shown or known
bound i pray, let my harvest grow