Sent: 6/18/2003 1:16 PM
God is so good! He answers prayer. Never doubt.
Finding an apartment in the city has been quite the uphill battle. With black credit due to some immature mistakes in my early twenties plus extraordinarily high prices of apartments here plus needing to avoid any and all brokers and their extreme fees, it was really against all odds that I would find one, much less be approved for one.
But God is ever faithful.
I'm so thankful to be able to say that He has blessed me with a new apartment to call my own!!! Thank you God! Not only is it a wonderful little apartment in a brownstone near Morningside Park, it also happens to be an apartment walking distance from my work and church. He's so amazing that way.
So thank you to all of you who were praying for me and wishing me well. It's obviously been heard, and I appreciate you so much!
Good news!