Saturday, November 12, 2005

ME : gratitude

Sent: 11/12/2005 12:00 AM

If i'm doing perfect in the laws
but not doing perfect in the love
flowing from my imperfect person
therefore not being who i am
so very saved by Grace
who's flawed and human
some crazy and some wild
yet Loved.

Then I'm a fool.

Who do you look for
wherever you are?

Saturday, November 5, 2005

ME : not perfect

Sent: 11/5/2005 5:40 PM

i'm so sorry that i can't be perfect.
i'm so sorry that it is so impossible.
i try and
try and try
and try and
try and try.

and i'm so sorry i can't be perfect.
i'm so sorry when i let you down.
i want you to be happy.
yet i'm not happy.
so right now,

i can't even make myself go around.
around and around. until, i feel stuck.

ME : eight

Sent: 11/5/2005 5:29 PM

W 4th
F to

Houston & 1st
btwn 2nd & 1st

8:30 p.m.

Make that

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

ME : a ladybug

Sent: 11/2/2005 10:43 PM

a ladybug
crawled out
on the leaf
of an oak tree
just outside
my bathroom window
beyond the wind
chimes swaying
in a clock's

ME : ultimate

Sent: 11/2/2005 10:39 PM

i say 'ultimately'
a lot lately. perhaps
i feel that i am
at the point in time where
i see things in their

like the
whole world in my

Or just perhaps
i see neon gloves on
a red haired girl
flipping her strobing
metallic toe
and that's an

Who knows?