Monday, March 3, 2003

PREACH LOVE : war looms like funnel clouds

Sent: 3/3/2003 8:21 PM

war looms like funnel clouds
and all hover around storm shelters
ignorant of its touch down score
however anxiously awaiting the competitor

wind is already ripping through global homes
worldly greed sucking lives of existence
endangering our species by ungodly twisters
self-destructive history created and repeated by us

winter storms brew but outside my atmosphere
where war's commercialization promotes its existence
a sport's game a movie a team to get behind
and i stop to wonder if we'll survive

the colder war

bitter winds slicing and dicing human cheeks
on every shore

when did we have to build storm shelters
to protect us from the rains of bullets
from someone much like us


weary wondering what is lacking in the world
that would heal all of its woes
that cry throughout humanity
pains that seem everlasting on the earth

and Christ tells me so, "It lacks love."

so i love.