Sent: 7/29/2003 12:43 PM
I have given myself another one of my infamous haircut disasters only days away from going home to see my family. Attention: Hair Disaster. Of course, my New York habitat says, "It's Chad. It's you. It's cool!" meanwhile I shriek, "I look like an escapee from a mental ward."
Not picking fun, just being honest. =)
It's a rather -I'm ten years old and thought I'd cut my own hair for the first time- kind of looks. A tad too close a shave in some wrong places. Somehow, I was ten again. I tried. A little too hard. If I had just left it right when it was kind of okay, not perfect, but good enough. If I had just stopped right there. But I didn't. I wanted it perfect.
Humanity proved that wasn't possible this time, as I carved a closer than normal streak on the left side of my head. Yes, it's noticeable. Yes, it's unmistakable. AND I go home to Arkansas on Friday! I'm in pain.
Anyone know a good toupee artist?
Not that I would. =)
Laugh. When you are being the child in your heart outloud, the world tends to think you are a mental case. And yet somehow by the people who know me in New York my disaster is cool? Life is hilarious.
* * *
Thank you God. For every Divine mistake Graced by Christ.
Makes it all Good.