Happy Spring! I am hopeful that yours is off to a splendid start full of new beginnings.
I am writing to provide you all with an update on what is going on with me. Many of you have been aware of my passion for and interest in theology and ministry, and some of you have also known that I have been planning to attend seminary/divinity school for some time now.
Well, after applying to and being accepted by some very good seminaries and divinity schools, I have decided to attend Vanderbilt Divinity School in Nashville, Tennessee beginning this Fall 2010. I will be working towards a Masters of Divinity degree in hopes of either entering into some type of ministry or non-profit (specifically those that embrace the ostracized and alienated) or continuing on to pursue a doctorate in my personal theological interests. The Masters degree with take three years to complete.
Of course, this is a HUGE life change for me (I have lived in New York since graduating college over 14 years ago), and I'll admit that I am quite nervous; however, I am also extremely excited about this next chapter in my life, a new beginning. God is ever faithful, and I utterly and completely trust God's love and care. Christ has never failed me and has seen me through some violent storms. One huge blessing is that by studying at Vanderbilt in Nashville, I will be much, much closer to Dad and my family, which I believe is heaven-sent in so many ways.
In as far as logistics, I will be moving from NYC to Blytheville, Arkansas at the beginning of July (Tara, my sister, is coming to help me and join me on the road-trip) and will stay with Dad for a few weeks while I try to find an apartment in Nashville. If all goes according to plan, I will move to Nashville at the end of July and begin classes mid-August. I already have an awesome support system in Nashville and the surrounding area, so I am hopeful that the transition will be somewhat painless.
Thank you for your love, support, thoughts and prayers. Please do keep me in your prayers as I embark upon this journey. It's a new dawn and a new day, and I am very hopeful.