Friday, August 3, 2001


Sent: 8/3/2001 8:37 PM

Two years ago I was working at TBWA Worldwide, the global advertising agency. One of the wonderful things about working there was the opportunity to communicate with people all over the world at the different TBWAs. And you know me, I did. I met some really wonderful people. The two that are outstanding are Cat and Hardik. Great, great people. Added bonuses to my life.

(Side thought: Palm Pilots should have mirrors on the other side of the plastic. Vain.)

Anyway, today I received an e-mail from Hardik that said something like: have a nice weekend, what's going on with you, haven't heard from you in a while. When I read it, I wondered if I had written about my job at Columbia starting? I wasn't sure. As I started to type this to Hardik, I suddenly stopped and thought, "Who is this person I'm writing to?" Don't get me wrong, I know who I'm writing to, but how well do I know who I'm writing to? Not very well. And it made me ... sad.

So I started a new message stating this and then asked a lot of questions to catch me up. Hopefully I'll get a response. It makes me happy to think that I might get to make friends twice with one person but on different levels. Unique.