Monday, October 6, 2003

WORD : mysterious meetings

Sent: 10/6/2003 2:35 PM

I had to buy a lightbulb for my kitchen. Otherwise, how was I supposed to do all those dishes that I had left since it burned out. I walked up the street to Duane Reade. I happened to locate some chocolate on my way to the light, so I pulled some from the shelf. I approached the line with bulbs and chocolate in hand. There was one woman before me. The clerk finished the transaction and offered the lady her change. She said, "Have a good day," as the lady put her change in her wallet, and pulled her merchandise from the counter. The clerk looked over at me. "Well, hello there!" She began laughing and smiling. "How are you doing?" I wondered if she knew me. She took one of my items and scanned them. There was a beep and the cash register chomped and chewed. "My God, you are so tall. You make me feel like a little midget over here." I laughed, "No, no. I'm too tall." She smiled and scanned the other item. "No, no. You are just right. Let me see your eyes." I leaned in forward, and she smiled. "You have beautiful eyes." Thank you. "Thank you." I gave her the cost, and she returned my receipt, change, and bag. "Have a great day." "You too!" I said before walking towards the door. "You too."

Mysterious meetings moving me.