Monday, October 6, 2003

WORD : you don't understand me

Sent: 10/6/2003 2:33 PM

you don't understand me
you don't give me a chance
you think i'm wrong
you think i'm all screwed up
you don't understand me
you don't give me a chance

to be me
let me be me

you want me to change me
you want me to be different
you know i'm weird
you know i'm strange
you want to change me
you want me to be different

than me
than me being me

you always have something to say
you always push me further
you pull my attention
you pull my libido
you always have something you want
you always force me farther

from me
from me as me

you win every fight being right
you win every battle being in it
you turn me inside
you turn me out
you win every right for the fight
you win every death in the battle

with me
with me for me

you war with me
you war with me
with me
to win me
to win me?

you don't understand me
you just want to dance
you think i'm crazy
you think i think too much
you don't understand me
you don't, i don't think you will

know me
know me i'm me

or don't