Friday, November 9, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : Why is there suffering?

Sent: 11/9/2001 5:04 AM

Nezerly's father had a stroke last night. We don't know many other details beyond that. Nez just couldn't stay on the phone long enough to listen. She didn't want to hear. She wanted to be on a flight to Chicago. Better yet, she wanted to be right there in the hospital with him and her family rather than being in chilly New York City.

Alas, she was here and was going to be here until 6:25 a.m. this morning when the first flight to Chicago from LaGuardia would depart. Our friend, Rizan, stopped by and stayed the night with Ines and me while we waited. Patience.

The resounding cry from the living room's hardwood floor was, "Why do we have to suffer during life?"

Growth. Growth for that great plan of life. I try to think of all this as studying for the Final or training for the Race. It can be painful, and it can cause great suffering, but it has to be done. No ifs, ands, or buts. For His plan to succeed, it must be done.

May I offer a desperate prayer, 'Do you mind if we rest for a while?'