Thursday, September 26, 2002

PREACH LOVE : i lose friends

Sent: 9/26/2002 8:18 PM

i lose friends
fabric becomes unraveled
my confidence seems arrogant
my knowledge seems unrealistic
the thread is cut

"Regardless, I wish you the best."

i feel loss
patterned designs sheared
empty paper dresses

"Cut from different cloth."

i feel sadness
tapestry faded bleached
when just before colored

What happened?

i feel bland
stitches give way
my love cut short
my friendship stopped
mourning corduroy boy

You are not of this world.

Sunday, September 22, 2002

PREACH LOVE : If you're happy and you know it . . .

Sent: 9/22/2002 5:44 PM

Do you remember that song? If you were happy and you knew it then you clapped your hands. If you were happy and you knew it then you stomped your feet. If you were happy and you knew it you said "Amen".

Clap, stomp, "Amen!" =)

I never hear it much anymore. A funny thing seems to have happened to us. Here at that somewhere along the way in history, humanity seems to be stuck in 'complacent', and oddly relishing in its complacency, people have chosen to stop Knowing. In not Knowing, no one is doing much of anything.

Stagnant air.

There are no claps no stomps no "Amens" to be heard. Sad confused silence looms across the plains of America as its cattle graze mindless of other pastures with some lone bull they've chosen standing guard. Can you tell me, have they really forgotten all about the Resurrected Cowboy who has Infinitely been tending their herd? The Cowboy that knows the name of every single calf that scampers from udder to other in the warm sun.

Politically, the U.S. Congress is pledging its allegiance to the Bush Administration, transforming our government into a militant aggressor, a "we'll get you first" mentality, a thou shalt not kill UNLESS society that, I must frankly say, is NOT Christian. God's Prince of Peace invited all to live. God would want that no man should die. Therefore this leaves the will to us.

Choose wisely.

Despairingly ironic in a demographically Christian nation, 80% of you think that going to war is the right thing to do. I shudder in your not knowing, and just as I charged George Bush to remember his place, I charge you to examine your heart. Long ago and far away are the days when war was fought like a chess match; when the killer was forced to look into the eyes of his foe as he took his life. In the 21st century, nations aren't nearly as personal. Countries don't have to actually see anyone that they kill. Flips of words then buttons can destroy mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers of all nationalities, all countries, all peoples. Dangerous games when God is watching.


Simon Peter was enraged when he saw them take Jesus Christ into custody. His face filled with anger at the injustice. He couldn't imagine that this was really about to happen. They were going to take Him away. Jesus was going to be killed? Igniting, he felt he needed to stop them. Raging, he wanted to act first. Loving, He wanted to protect his Jesus. Drawing his sword, Simon Peter lunged toward one of the servants of the priests who came to get Jesus. The servant's ear was severed. Suddenly the soldiers drew their swords in a heat, and growled at their scowling aggressors.

Jesus touched Malchus's ear and the blood stopped flowing. Jesus smiled as He looked in Malchus's scared, perplexed eyes. It was going to be okay. Jesus turned and rebuked Simon Peter for taking God's will into his own human hands. Faith in God means believing He alone knows what is best. And God's will was and is Jesus Christ's Love for humanity.


If you are in the 80% who thinks that going to war is the realistic, practical thing to do, I implore you to search for the god you are serving and what it is providing you in that reality. Yes, now is a very good time for some real soul searching. If you really want to see the Truth, see the earth's souls through God's eyes. Existing in a place of global power holds the U.S.A. accountable for its use of it. With great power comes great responsibility. Would Christ use his power to destroy others? What are you choosing? Where does your soul stand in His Kingdom?

No matter what, say SOMETHING!

The United States of America is a democracy, so your voice is in your hands just waiting to be used. Thank God for our American freedom that gives the people of its nation the power. I must beg of you: Now is the time to use that power for the good of the world.

God bless the world.



And listen guys, we forward chain letters and "my favorite things" and jokes all the time. Why not forward along something that touched your heart or made you think or maybe just annoyed the hell out of you? I'm not talking about my stuff alone either! =) I would love to read some of your sharings that I could forward along as well. Technology today enables us to have some really wonderful connections with one another.

Share God’s blessings! Don't just read and delete. It only takes a spark to get the fire of God’s Love going, so pass it on. Change must start with us. Complacency is over. Let’s communicate about some things so the world our children inherit will not be the world of death and destruction we live in today.

Thanks for letting me get some things off my chest.

I love you all.

PREACH LOVE : Accept you

Sent: 9/22/2002 1:54 AM

You have been granted freedom
by Christ,
yet you would rather the chains
of captivity?

Accept your freedom.

Be you.

Saturday, September 21, 2002

PREACH LOVE : Racing toward's the earth's atmosphere

Sent: 9/21/2002 1:57 AM

Racing towards the earth's atmosphere
Wondering what it's like way up there
Shooting like a star smackdab into the sky
With superengines blasting you burst by

Burn or pass is the mission's question
And your simple being can only reckon
To live or to die really the true answer
But does your satellite have enough power

Then you remember That which is True
For you're especially you and Promised to do
With a Very Great Big Boost from Way Beyond
You're Waved with an Unconditional Love wand


Showering starry sparks you push through
Way out into the infinite Great Big Blue
Alive and Protected therefore Justified
You've broken on through to the Other Side

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

PREACH LOVE : Don't apologize

Sent: 9/18/2002 10:22 PM

I'm actually not sorry if the poem "You'll have to excuse me" sounds a little arrogant.

Honestly, I'm tired of apologizing for being your "idealistic". I'm tired of apologizing for believing in something beyond myself. I'm tired of apologizing for having faith.

I'm tired of apologizing for being Christian. I'm tired of apologizing for all the wrong that has been done in the name of Christianity. I'm tired of apologizing for respecting you no matter what your beliefs. I'm tired of apologizing for loving you exactly as you are. Golly, I guess I'm just tired of apologizing for being me.

No more apologies. Write me or don't. Call me or don't. Like me or don't. Criticize me or don't. Pity me or don't. Laugh at me or don't. Judge me or don't. Understand me or don't. Know me or don't. Believe me or don't. Kill me or don't. Love me or don't.


It doesn't really matter.

I love you no matter what.

That's my Reality.

PREACH LOVE : You'll have to excuse me

Sent: 9/18/2002 10:22 PM

You'll just have to excuse me
for cherishing our slaughtered Prince of Peace
for believing in Jesus Christ as Savior
for faithing in my Father's Sacrifice for us
for trusting His unconditional Love
for honoring God's Promise

You'll just have to excuse me
for speaking against the powers that be
for placing America as a second priority
for seeing outside this political box
for serving only One Master
for pledging my allegiance to God

You'll just have to excuse me
for loving every human being living
for thinking my neighbor lives beyond my neighborhood
for valuing even the lowliest life
for desiring peace at all cost
for hoping for humanity's survival

You’ll just have to excuse me
for being confident in my soul
for being much less than perfect
for being cleansed by His grace
for being “idealistic” in my love
for being me

You'll just have to excuse me
for being Chad: A human


Sent: 9/18/2002 7:46 PM

As my generation
looks around
at the state
of the world
you've left us,

I wonder
you were so blind.

As paperwork is
occupation, and
we begin
to question
the worth
of the bananas
you push us
through our caged cubicals,

I wonder
you are still so blind.

Let the blind man see.
Let us do our thing.

Friday, September 13, 2002

PREACH LOVE : Them and us

Sent: 9/13/2002 2:41 PM

Us and them
it resonates
in her head
Us and them

Them and us
it pounds
against brown ears
Them and us

Us and them
it bursts
upon patriotic display
Us and them

Them and us
it's thought
by Peter's rage
Them and us

Us and them
it dices
slices of humanity
Us and them

Them and us
it's squelched
in Christ's fingers
to transform: We




Wednesday, September 11, 2002

PREACH LOVE : Remember

Sent: 9/11/2002 5:52 PM

Remember it.
Don't relive it.

God bless us all.

Saturday, September 7, 2002

PREACH LOVE : Let there be Peace on Earth

Sent: 9/7/2002 5:16 PM

"Let there be Peace on Earth
And let it begin with me.
Let there be Peace on Earth,
The Peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father,
Brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
in perfect harmony.

Let Peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now
With every step I take
Let this be my solemn vow
To take each moment
And live each moment
In Peace Eternally!
Let there be peace on earth,
And let it begin with me!”

I sang the first chorus of this as a solo in our sixth grade graduation ceremony at P.C.A. I remember singing it because I meant it. I still do.

Thursday, September 5, 2002

FLIGHT : Hornet's nest

Sent: 9/5/2002 3:49 PM

We had a hornet's nest in our storage room just off the garage when I was growing up. Every summer, it would appear and grow, while its inhabitants sought to terrorize anyone that walked in the room to grab a shovel or the lawn mower or another stored item. It seemed that weekly, my dad would go in, knock the nest down, stomp on it, break out the Raid and kill all the hornets that he could. He hoped that he could make the room safe for us by simply eliminating the problem. Nevertheless, he could never kill ALL the hornets. For the next week we would see the nest begin to grow again, and before we knew it, our storage room once again buzzed with angry hornets guarding their position.

It was not until after a harsh cold winter blew into our town did the hornets stop terrorizing our storage room. That spring after, we were surprised to see an empty place where the hornets historically built their nests all the summers before. I found myself amazed by the experience. As I stared at the oddly quiet room I thought, "Dad couldn't do it, so it took God to rid us of those pests."

Have faith in God and
Leave it in His hands.
Only He really knows
What must be done.

Tuesday, September 3, 2002

FLIGHT : Wise Sheep

Sent: 9/3/2002 8:07 PM

We must remember that we are all sheep,
And it is a foolish one that follows others.
The wise sheep is one that keeps his eyes on
The Good Shepherd,
For then you cannot go astray.

FLIGHT : Dear Mister President

Sent: 9/3/2002 12:45 PM

September 3, 2002

President George Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NY
Washington, DC 20500

VIA FACSIMILE: 202-456-2461

Dear Mister President,

My name is Chad Gurley, and I'm a concerned American Christian, global citizen. Shall this letter ever truly make it to your sight, God bless these words.

Life seems as though we are standing on the edge of time. Hopeful of 20/20 hindsight, it is encouraging so much history is behind us.The human existence amazes me. The fact that we've continued to preserve it illuminates its awe. Humanity is such a distinct mark on earth, and I'm in hopes that it will ultimately be a good one.

God has blessed you in becoming the American nation's leader; therefore, let that set itself as an extreme value in God's eyes. If the Christian nation, America, Truly raised from David through Christ, is represented by you, I would be ever prayerful as I inched it closer and closer to the Holy War. Please understand your reality, for it is being recorded in the Book of Life. In calling yourself Christian, President George, you are representing Him and His nation within all human history. Weight your journey with that of King Nebachadnezzer and fear God. You can be certain that you are being watched closely.

After your stubborn statements of your making decisions regardless of support, I charge you to remember your place. You were elected to that position in life. Our democratic government states that its people are its ruler. We the people make the decisions. Every day, I witness strained Americans crying out to you. And God is alive working in them. September 11th's deaths birthed a special awareness in humanity of humanity. Are you hearing? Alone and in silence, be on your hands and knees praying for His wisdom during these important times.

And listen.

Mister President, I respectfully urge you to reconsider any proposed military action against Iraq. I motivate you to give the United Nations the gift of power that America is so blessed to have in abundance. I will pray for you that you will see. We can avoid all war, death and destruction, for with the truth of Christ's Love within, change must begin with us. The U.S. can be an ultimately good mark on our world. All we need you to do is let it.

God bless you, George.
And God bless the world, for
The entire globe needs it.

Chad Allen Gurley

Cc: Everyone

Monday, September 2, 2002

FLIGHT : He believes in you

Sent: 9/2/2002 4:56 PM

Dry your tears.
No more fears.
He believes in you.

Drop your burdens.
His Love is certain.
He believes in you.

Give repentance.
Make the difference.
He believes in you.

Be good humanity.
Love your enemy.
He believes in you.

You are special promise in His sight.
Jesus came to show how to do it right.
He believes in you.

You are His son.
You are His daughter.
He believes in you.

Fly for His glory.
Be your own story.
He believes in you.

FLIGHT : ATTN: Fellow GenXer's

Sent: 9/2/2002 4:03 PM

Alright Generation Xers, I think we can do this. Feeling God alive motivating us, we're going to make a really positive impact on the world. Yes, even with the responsibility of inheriting nuclear weapons. In fact, I truly believe He's depending on us to succeed.

It makes me laugh to think about when we were first labeled. We were the generation that they thought was hopeless and wasn't going to come to anything. We were thought slothful and heady. Well, the internet was our first go. Came out of that a little bruised, but reaping amazing benefits of short success. What's next?

Hello again.

Playschool ago. Puberty later. Adulthood is here, and we're going to do this right. We're going to do this Happy. I smile. You know, they have no idea the ultimate promise of Generation X. America's artists will Sonfully shine. Creative geniuses around every corner. Yes, God bless it, for we're going to start saying a few things based upon what we've observed down here so far. Remember; you fortunately schooled us to be intellectuals.

Some things have to change, and we're going to be it.

FLIGHT : Drops of Blessing

Sent: 9/2/2002 3:42 PM

God's blessings are overflowing this weekend with showers both outside my window and on my soul. I feel like the little child I saw catching drops on his pink outstretched tongue.


It was an Unbelievable Honor to read Scripture in Riverside's worship service this morning. I stood in the pulpit and heard my voice across the cathedral. I love that it felt so good. =) Doing His will produces such happiness. Blessed. I read II Samuel 9:1-8, 13. I even managed to make it through the difficult to pronounce names. I felt at home. A blessing Plus as an honor plus further direction in my personal walk with God. And it was right. The pastor called out, "We need someone to go Lo-debar." I'm going to apply for the position. I have some Kindness I've been given more than abundantly to go around infinitely. Beautiful spiritual blessings.

God bless you Joan.


So many more in addition. I can't thank you enough, Eternal Loving Father. Praise Your Amazing Name.

In Jesus Christ's name.


Christ is giving you great benefits. You're worthy of accepting them. Promise.

FLIGHT : The human touch

Sent: 9/2/2002 3:41 PM

The human touch

It amazes me how fearful we remain over touching one another. It is kind to pet our animals. We give them affection freely. I am reminded that we far more valuable in God's eyes than our pets. Yet our hugs go undone, touches only fantasy. Reservations later, we feel cold and alone and long for another human being to hold us. Life is hard. Reality is we need those supportive connections. Touch is good.

I have been telling a lot of my friends lately that I've really been missing the touch of a lover. Weary in time waiting. That touch that is healing, another caressing while tracing your skin. A pull close into a tightly secure hug. Giggles, play and love. I was blessed with a gift this weekend of a beautiful man who understood. We tenderly loving cared. It was wonderful to me.

And a further blessing, gladly surprised, I noticed today that it seems to have opened the floodgate of repressed human touch as I find myself kissing and hugging all I know. Suddenly Chad's touchy feely. How wonderful to feel the skin of those I love.

Yes, for your information, sometimes it's pretty depressing that I can't physically touch God. A big hug from Christ would be really nice every now and again. Someday.

Until then, can I depend on you?

FLIGHT : Preacher

Sent: 9/2/2002 3:38 PM

He stands and preaches.

It's finally time to take up my cross and Truly follow Christ on this path God is guiding. I am to become a preacher. Funny that I acted blind to all the direction God has offered throughout my life. Sweet memories of being a thoughtful child, playing "church", inviting all my stuffed animals into the holy living room for morning services. The sun traced the floor as I looked out from my makeshift pulpit, a cross in magic marker on the front. Joey my teddy bear looked up with brown eyes attentive and listening. Yes, I guess I've been practicing for this for a long time.

Of course, it's also taken me a long time to accept it. Humanly flawed, I never thought I could even try to represent the perfection that is Jesus Christ, and as a preacher of His Word, that is exactly what I want to do no matter its impossibility. Afraid that my human would fail Him. I felt so caught in between. Felt not worthy to receive God's call. Told Him to call back later. Smile. God never fails. He kept on calling and calling and calling. I'm so unbelievably glad I finally picked up.

Worthy? Well, it's breathtaking that Christ's grace through God's Plan frees me from being so sadly anchored by my own feelings of self-worthlessness that I would keep myself from flying. We are all precious in His sight. It takes us both. That it includes me. Chad. And being me, flaws and all, is important in God's eyes. Redeemed by Christ's love, God not only allows but needs me to be truly Chad to Truly succeed in His calling of me.

With Christ carrying me, I will succeed in His Love.

Pray for me! =)