Sent: 9/3/2002 12:45 PM
September 3, 2002
President George Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NY
Washington, DC 20500
VIA FACSIMILE: 202-456-2461
Dear Mister President,
My name is Chad Gurley, and I'm a concerned American Christian, global citizen. Shall this letter ever truly make it to your sight, God bless these words.
Life seems as though we are standing on the edge of time. Hopeful of 20/20 hindsight, it is encouraging so much history is behind us.The human existence amazes me. The fact that we've continued to preserve it illuminates its awe. Humanity is such a distinct mark on earth, and I'm in hopes that it will ultimately be a good one.
God has blessed you in becoming the American nation's leader; therefore, let that set itself as an extreme value in God's eyes. If the Christian nation, America, Truly raised from David through Christ, is represented by you, I would be ever prayerful as I inched it closer and closer to the Holy War. Please understand your reality, for it is being recorded in the Book of Life. In calling yourself Christian, President George, you are representing Him and His nation within all human history. Weight your journey with that of King Nebachadnezzer and fear God. You can be certain that you are being watched closely.
After your stubborn statements of your making decisions regardless of support, I charge you to remember your place. You were elected to that position in life. Our democratic government states that its people are its ruler. We the people make the decisions. Every day, I witness strained Americans crying out to you. And God is alive working in them. September 11th's deaths birthed a special awareness in humanity of humanity. Are you hearing? Alone and in silence, be on your hands and knees praying for His wisdom during these important times.
And listen.
Mister President, I respectfully urge you to reconsider any proposed military action against Iraq. I motivate you to give the United Nations the gift of power that America is so blessed to have in abundance. I will pray for you that you will see. We can avoid all war, death and destruction, for with the truth of Christ's Love within, change must begin with us. The U.S. can be an ultimately good mark on our world. All we need you to do is let it.
God bless you, George.
And God bless the world, for
The entire globe needs it.
Chad Allen Gurley
Cc: Everyone