Monday, September 2, 2002

FLIGHT : The human touch

Sent: 9/2/2002 3:41 PM

The human touch

It amazes me how fearful we remain over touching one another. It is kind to pet our animals. We give them affection freely. I am reminded that we far more valuable in God's eyes than our pets. Yet our hugs go undone, touches only fantasy. Reservations later, we feel cold and alone and long for another human being to hold us. Life is hard. Reality is we need those supportive connections. Touch is good.

I have been telling a lot of my friends lately that I've really been missing the touch of a lover. Weary in time waiting. That touch that is healing, another caressing while tracing your skin. A pull close into a tightly secure hug. Giggles, play and love. I was blessed with a gift this weekend of a beautiful man who understood. We tenderly loving cared. It was wonderful to me.

And a further blessing, gladly surprised, I noticed today that it seems to have opened the floodgate of repressed human touch as I find myself kissing and hugging all I know. Suddenly Chad's touchy feely. How wonderful to feel the skin of those I love.

Yes, for your information, sometimes it's pretty depressing that I can't physically touch God. A big hug from Christ would be really nice every now and again. Someday.

Until then, can I depend on you?