Tuesday, February 18, 2003

PREACH LOVE : back from washington d.c.

Sent: 2/18/2003 1:05 PM

On our way back from Washington D.C., I noticed a full-bodied bright orange moon rising over the horizon into the deep sea blue from outside our bus window. Its beauty held me captive so, that upon my return to New York, I had to go upon our roof to see it again. From directly above me, it lit the fluorescent white snow patches left remaining after a day of sun-yet-cold dusted across the top of the tar black roof. The moon above boom blossomed brightly causing my contact to get fuzzy before tearfully maintaining it. Connection.

Just before the moonly magesticness in an almost constellatory line were two brightly twinkling stars intent on beaming gleams through the polluted haze. The beauty of the night magically amazed. I was in a daze. The irrefutable realness showed the way out of this worldly maze. And there I gazed at the sky and was bless to not need to wonder why.