Sent: 2/18/2003 1:16 PM
he let me down this is true and therefore gets me deep dark blue
about the other gray new balance running shoe to plop drop my tiny bit
of hot red anger that can't seemed stopped damn the flow but this feels so
since saved in a guarded vault until this haphazard assault which
unintentionally potentially shattered my heart
and that's how it starts
but i cannot speak
my mouth is empty
you're rustling menus
my heart burrito
what happened to you
my grieving intense
my spotlight empty
with an empty seat then
it may seem small around him like something he could have missed but to me
it was my everything my all one fulfilled wish
i cannot look
my sight burning tears
your door is closed
my room alone
it may be blinded from your view and perhaps you can only care about you but
to me but to me to me it's not just me about you just me about you
now i hear
my tingling ears
your sounds familiar
as you enter
into the room
your movement seemed
through my mind redeemed
my wilderness spent with you and i guess you never knew
why do you do the things you do
is there something more you
need from me
i don't see
i can only be me
forgive me