Monday, February 24, 2003

PREACH LOVE : from me to GWB

Sent: 2/24/2003 2:45 PM

February 24, 2003

President George Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NY
Washington, DC 20500

VIA FACSIMILE: 202-456-2461

Dear Mister President,

As a Christian citizen of the United States of America, I look upon you with gravity as I'm shaken by the very nature of your leadership. You disgrace me with your complete disregard for a human's life. Your bloodthirsty vengeful nature coupled with your contentment, and further promotion, of a classist society are intolerable. Furthermore, and quite honestly, I am appalled by your blatant hypocrisy. Hypocrisy which is itself evil. Do you beg for the decay of the true American principals which were the rock of foundation of this great country, a country that I would like to think has changed the world for the better? As you further disintegrate the value of words such as "liberty" and "freedom", the sands of America are being swiftly caught in the winds of time. Your impact is great, and you haven't been walking softly. Do you feel the weight of your responsibility? You are speaking for many souls.

If you plan to speak for war or for violence as a means to peace, please let it be known that you did not speak on my behalf. Yet, as you inch closer to the Holy War, and nudge my Christianity away from love, I am finding myself in need of a richer decree of segregation of my spirit from your politics and policies. I daily find it more detestable in feeling Pilate, simply washing my hands of the U.S.A.'s death sentences. Therefore, honestly, it becomes heart wrenching paying my taxes while knowing where this money I am earning is truly being spent. Your military budget's count down is going to need fuel from my pocketbook, and I grieve when I find myself in paperwork handcuffs enslaved to this political monstrosity. It's no wonder American's are depressed. We lack liberty. Is this taxation without representation? For I feel like I'm the only one speaking for me in this democracy. After seeing the great multitudes of people calling for peace on 3rd, 2nd and 1st Avenues of New York City on Saturday, February 15th, I know that something has to change, or it will be an all out anarchy. I will not pay for you to not represent me. And it is unfortunate that it really only takes money to get your attention.

I beg you to pray about your path. I beg you to pray about America's future. And I beg you to take a moment of silence during your busy days to really listen to those small still voices within America's arms. Take the plank from your own eye. Do you hear their whisperings? Be good to others, and good will be done unto you. Pray and listen. These are new times. The first war of the 21st century, as you have called it, could mercifully never come to pass, if you would be allowed to see it. And I have to imagine that it would be a wonderful testament of hope for the entire world and every single human's life, in these new times. Only 2003. Please see peace. And know the God you worship. To whom much is given, much is required.

The President of the United States of America must be something much more than a job, as you affect the entire world with whatever you say or do. It's not just about the dollar sign. Let Americans show love, and that will be true.

God bless the world.

Chad Allen Gurley