Saturday, November 8, 2003

WORD : wrestles in my head

Sent: 11/8/2003 2:41 PM

i wrestle with that part of me
who tries to sabotage my every step
who ignores my every plea
who nourishes secrets kept

i wrestle with that part of me
that daily tries to keep me down
tries to trip, trip, fall me
until life seems hopeless somehow

i wrestle with that voice in my head
who says that I'm not good enough
to make it in this life, said
i'm not good enough
and would be better off dead

i want no part of that part of me
who tells me it cannot be done
who trip, trip, falls me
he says that i'm not good enough

i wrestle with that mood in me
which kills the minutes to the hours
hours to the days to the months to the years
he says i must be tired

and i am


yet i wrestle him tired

i will prevail

Thank You.