Thursday, February 14, 2002

CHAPTER 2 : "In Love" =)

Sent: 2/14/2002 7:39 PM

Merlot wrote: "You say, 'Open, honest, and in love.' In love with who/what, and how do know? You don't have to answer, I just wonder how you know and can sound so sure of it.?"


Of course I'll answer! =)

Through Christ: =) I'm in love with humanity. I don't know what it is, but I have fallen madly in love with humanity!!! After the tragedy here, I have never been able to look at people the same as I did before. I see everyone through loving eyes. It's so weird!!! Seriously!

The old man on the subway reading his newspaper. His eyes partially closed as he leans forward almost into sleep. He is beautiful to me.

The nasty clerk at the local pharmacy who sneered at me as I fumbled through my wallet for correct change. She's definitely got the same problems as me. I can't help but love her.

The young lady rushing down the street with a cell phone in one hand and papers in another. She satillites frantically to someone. Her energy has me head over heels.

That's not to mention all of you who read this crazy shit! How could I not love YOU!!!! Absolutely IN LOVE.


Look around you!

There's lots of loving to do. ;-)