Saturday, August 31, 2002

FLIGHT : Knew Songs

Sent: 8/31/2002 3:31 PM

There's something awesome to be said for a song that you can listen to over and over again at different places in your life with very unique listenings each time. There is one such song to which I listen sung by Jude on the City of Angels Soundtrack which I bought many years ago. The song is called, "I know" and is absolutely beautiful hopeful empathy.

When I first heard the song, I was at a place in life very shy of hope. I remember chirping it to myself, as to motivate me forward in my journey. I pulled myself away from the ledge while encouraging myself, "I know you Chad and understand. And even if you're feeling worthless, I promise that we're going to make it through this life. Just don't give up. I'm here for you."

Apricot and raspberry leaves fallen and sprung green later, I found myself listening to Jude's song again. As my voice searched the words, I found my heart was different. Having grown since the first listening, I discovered this time I was singing "I know" for one of my best friends. The music within me longed for her to see the beauty that she is, wanting her to blossom into her own with confidence; all the while completely understanding the woes that are always along the way, having felt those myself.

Frosty snows and beachy sands weathers again, now, here, weeping happily, I sit listening to Jude's "I know" another time. The enlightening flower. The Voice I hear singing this music leaves me in awe. For this time I hear God singing "I know" to me, and it's uncaptured in its petaled perfection. The music sunshowers as I hear God's most amazing loving song. The truth swells. He knows me, He loves me, He understands as He remembers through Christ exactly how it felt to be human, and He endearingly nudges me forward on the path He is guiding.

"I know you Chad and understand. Wipe those tears, My son. You are worthy. Praise and thanks be to your Brother Christ. I promise you will make it, for We're going to make it through together. No giving up, for you're not alone. I AM here for you. Always. I love you. Forever."