Saturday, December 8, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : Beeyouteafull

Sent: 12/8/2001 8:29 PM

What a great Saturday, even with all the rain and cold weather. Adam and I volunteered at Park Avenue Church kitchen, which was a good time. Met some really cool people - on both sides of the table. An older homeless(?) woman told me that there was something deep in my eyes. She was beautiful.

After clean ups and goodbyes and an amazing over coffee conversation with Adam (thank you), I just walked in the rain, tasted the drops on my tongue, also dying to go to the bathroom, and finally went to the Met. It was lovely. The lights were low. The building was old. Music was playing up above on the balcony in the lobby. The piano, violin, and bass sounds bounced around the great room. It was beautiful.

In the Medieval Art Exhibit there is the naivity (sp?) scene of emotion filled figures. Beyond it there is a Christmas tree filled with angels flying and playing their instruments. And above them, at the top of the dark tree, is a huge bright star almost glowing. Intense. It was beautiful.

I was fascinated by the artwork that involved Christ. The different interpretations of His face from culture to culture, from age to age. And, yet, He was in each and every one of them just the same. It was beautiful.

Needing a drink to relax the intensity of it all, I went to the little balcony cafe that overlooks the lobby. People were sitting, drinking, conversing. I picked a table next to the edge of the balcony and ordered a champagne. Hell, I thought, it's Saturday night, you're here, you have no other plans, enjoy yourself. And I did. It was beautiful.

Thank you God for my little blessings.