Sent: 12/2/2001 8:03 PM
I've picked up my old journals lately and have been reading them. It gives me an opportunity to remember the bads times and what I learned from them so as to not return there. I thought I'd share some of it with you. =) giggle
Somewhere, long ago and far away . . .
"I seem to be getting some kind of cold - my eye is swollen and hurts and congestion..............I don't know what else to write.................Since Randy didn't have any work for me, there was no reason to go into the city, so I practically spent the entire day in the apartment wanting to cry. Some for relief of the swelling and some because I'm so sad. My life seems so out of sorts and I'm not sure when I'll be able to put it back together again.........................When Humpty Dumpty fell off a wall all the kings or horses and men could not put him back together again.........................I'm not sure what else to write; I know I can fill these pages with anything and everything, but, for a while now, I've only felt rather simple - in a bad way, that is.......................What has happened? What is happening? And when will we get it figured out? WE? Why do I say we when it is only me.....................Me alone the lightening strikes in an open filed of dirt, root and toppled soil...........................God, I only ask for wisdom, strength and love.....................................The serenity prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.........................Love thyself."
Thank God for answered prayers. =)