Monday, December 10, 2001

CHAPTER 2 : Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Sent: 12/10/2001 9:48 PM

Tis the reason, Leon and I went out to buy a Christmas tree. We found a little tree seller a good walk away, near Neptune diner. There is where we found him. Our very 'cute' medium build green Christmas tree. He was light, so we decided to pop into Genovese and let him get a feel for what kind of tree he might want to be.

The first thing WE wanted him to be was standing, so we looked all over for a tree stand, to no avail. Nevertheless, we decided, we would make do. We continued shopping. We scampered up and down the ilses flowering them with pine needles. Saddly, our tree could find nothing he wanted to wear. Well, he did find a topper and lights, but no clothes. Nevertheless, we decided, we would make do.

I look over at our Christmas tree now and admit that I'm in love with him. He stands there, in a stand Leon found today, so proud; just beaming.

Topped with a lit shining colored star, our Christmas tree models various Leon/Chad creations: Snowflake paper stars, some multicolored; angels made of scrape fabric tied together with cake-box string; cut-outs of illustrations (one, big ole' blue lips) we had drawn sometime back; misc. nick-nacks we have around the house that we could tie strings around in order to hang; etc. Colored lights. And neckties, tied together, as garland surrounding it.

Yes, it is a little make-shift. I think it's perfect. =)
