Sent: 12/14/2001 8:52 PM
I moaned, slept, cried on my pillow, feeling so lost and alone. I knew God was there with me; however, there was no human connection to say,
However, arrogantly, I nevered cried out for help. In pride, I never let anyone know the pain I was feeling. I NEVER asked for support.
'Seek and ye shall find.'
Yet, I had not sought your help. Was I depending on God to flash a message before each of your eyes to say, go to
This past week has been one of suffering for me. I have felt bad not only physically and mentally, but also spiritually, as I have been weathering dark storms of my own.
Through the cold rain and black thunderclouds, you were there for me, but you did not see me, for I did not call to you. I sat in the rain, silent, alone while you were mere inches from me with an umbrella. Damn prideful silence. Oh, the lesson I have learned.
When I need help, I will cry out to you. And you should feel free to do the same, anytime at all.