Monday, January 28, 2002

CHAPTER 2 : all or nothing at all

Sent: 1/28/2002 8:18 PM

You know, I find it bordering on depressing that the reason Thursday will be my favorite day this week is because I get paid. I really hate money. It is the source of all that's ugly in my life. Tonight, my meal, a 50 cent Macaroni and Cheese dinner.

Remind me on Friday NOT to go out and have a big juicy medium rare steak with twice-baked potatoes and buttered green beans with a large frosty coke, for that is my predicament currently. All or nothing. Craziness.

And with that, my friends, I wish you a good night. I'm going to check my e-mail and then wander towards the roof to take a look at the bright sandy moon. Did you see it last night? Beautifully Full.