Thursday, January 3, 2002

CHAPTER 2 : The Masquerade

Sent: 1/3/2002 2:07 PM

Kermit the Frog used to sing, "It's not easy being green." Oh how I loved that song. Not because I was particularly green, but more because I understood the feeling. Sometimes, it's not easy being me. Sometimes I find it pretty rough. Of course, it's not easy for any of us to be ourselves. We've become so accustomed to the masks that we wear in this masquerade called life, that we forget who we really are or, if we do know, how to be that with everyone we encounter. The masks are much easier. Nevertheless, I've been trying not to wear one at all lately.

Trying to be maskless and comfortable in my greeness, I went out into the masquerade last night and got swindled for $10.00, my own fault for being blinded by the message and forgetting to recognize its source. Funny how that happens. Lesson learned, hopefully. Nevertheless, aside from that damper, I had a really amazing time. See, I haven't been out in forever, but a friend of mine from Michigan is visiting New York for the New Years holiday, and he and I decided to do a little painting of the town in red. We shared a drink at a local pub, danced a little at another little hole in the wall, and then had this amazing pizza at Two Boots on Greenwich. I used to never like their pizza, but, last night, it was so good! Yummy! Maybe it was my state that can be accredited for that. I'd prefer to think that I just never really stopped to taste it before. Better. A really fun evening, that I had to cut short for myself due to needing to work today. My friend, the vacationer, proceeded on painting the town after I left him. Wonder how his night turned out?

The ironic thing is that I find myself reflecting on one side of last night's coin more than the other? The side that says, Chad, you went out without a mask to a masquerade party and got swindled, of course. Why am I consumed by that one, tiny, little part of my evening? Why is this concept of "being taken" so weighted? Is it so hard to reflect on the other side of the coin? The side that says, Chad you went out without a mask to a masquerade party and had a ball!!!!!
