Sunday, October 21, 2001

BEGINNINGS : 'rents Tour

Sent: 10/21/2001 8:43 PM

It surprises me that there are those of you out there who actually enjoy reading my ramblings. If that's you, then thank you. I really don't know what to say. =)

My parents arrived in NYC on Saturday and were able to come over to my apartment and take a look at the actual little spot in this huge city that I call home. I was very excited. So excited, that I spent four hours cleaning before they arrived. It was virtually spotless. Let's just say, I even managed to surprise Leon, which says a lot!

Today we went to Riverside Church for morning services. One of the ministers got up at the pulpit and began to speak on the different social phenomenon which were displeasing to a her as loving Christian woman. One of those happened to be homo-PHOBIA! I wanted to cry in joy as I heard her, a minister, talk, in the Church of God, about how the hate against homosexuals HAS TO STOP! Praise the Lord! Furthermore, tears did spring to my eyes when I realized that I had my mom's hand in mine.

After church we went to Grant's Tomb where above it is etched in stone, "We need peace," Grant's motto of sorts. Then to Grand Central for the exhibit of UK & US Partnership: demonstrated in modern furniture, style, technology, etc. It was pretty damn cool actually.

Then they wanted to go to the World Trade Center. Then my day started feeling tired and dark. Then I wanted to go home.

I didn't do much looking around when we were down there. I don't know. There was just something disturbing about being near that location, where so many people died at one time. It seemed haunted and sad. It seemed . . . a word doesn't come to mind that would recall it from your memory banks. You'd have to see for yourself, although I do not recommend it.

After shouts from the police and army cadets that no one was allowed to take pictures, my head starting hurting, and I wanted to go. I looked towards my parents. They looked sad. Tragedy, right in front of their very own eyes. Not in a picture. Not on the television screen. Right there, mere blocks from where they stood. We left.

Down to the Statue of Liberty still standing tall, across to Battery City Park, over to the Jewish Hertiage Muesum, then back up to Grand Central Station where we accidentally almost left Dad behind as he struggled with his MetroCard in the turnstyle. "Please Swipe Again" beeped at him before it reported, "Just Used". Subway drama.

Cheesecake at The Brooklyn Diner was followed by putting my parents in a cab and wondering when I had been this tired last? Was it when Tara came to visit?

To bed with me. Have a super day!