Sent: 4/11/2002 8:11 PM
Dearest Chad,
Agree to disagree, what a cop out, there is only one truth, their cannot be two truths! Romans 3:10
Are we not our brothers keeper? YES Read 1 Corinthians chapter 5 and especially verses 12 & 13 & Genesis 4:9
Either I am wrong and you have a responsibility to correct me, or you are wrong and I will do my best to correct you. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Are you an abstinent Gay? Or are you sexually active outside of marriage, be it straight or gay? Are you currently walking in sin, or are youcleansed from all un-righteousness? 1 John 1:7-10
No one person and/or no group keeps any one be them gay and lesbian from coming to Christ. God himself keeps people from coming to Christ. Read John 6:44 & Romans 18-24
As for your request regarding "let my controller read" it for himself so as to have the seed of Christ's love planted in his heart. Please know, that we continually do just that very thing here in sharing God's love through the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a practicing and professing Christian, I have welcomed our controller with open arms and he has become my friend. He is completely aware that I believe our Lord has called his choice of sexual gratification "sin", it is not I or the Christian church who has named this action as such, but God Himself. Read Romans 1:20-32
Without the forgiveness of sin, each of us would face eternity in hell without God. Even my sin is covered by Christ's death on the cross and my sin, even though it may not be in the same category as your, is still abominable in God's eyes. And I must be made whole in his eyes and He did that for me by His death on the Cross. John 15:16
I find this conversation very stimulating and would very much wish to continue it, if from your view point you see some benefit coming from it all.
Otherwise, I love you and pray our Lord Jesus Christ shows Himself to you and that it would be well with you in this life. Luke 19:21-22
Mark Maine
Chairman & CEO
Dear Mark,
The reason that I wanted to agree to disagree was because I knew you'd stand rigidly. With your feet pressed firmly against exacting verses from the Bible, I doubt you'd be shaken. And, sadly, I certainly doubt that you would surrender your ammunition to open your heart and really listen.
I'm me. Chad Gurley. I'm a Christian who happens to be gay. And, honestly, I'm okay with that. And I am more than willing to have that conversation with God on judgement day. But that's mine and His conversation alone. You're blessed that you don't have that one. God made each of us very different, Mark, in order for us to communicate Jesus Christ's love to every human on the planet. Think about Christ's disciples themselves, Peter, John, Thomas, Andrew, all of them, were special, unique and necessary. They were their own. They each had their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As, also, you do. As I do.
I love Christ more than life itself. What He did for me was amazing. I humbly hope that I can show as much love to people as He did. For isn't that what it's really all about? Loving each other. LOVE. The Golden Rule.
And before you jump into some of Paul's letters, remember that Paul said that it was the only thing! You could speak in tongues but if you didn't have love you were nothing. You could give everything you had to the poor, but if you didn't have love you were nothing. Furthermore, he stated that all laws pass away unto that one, for when one loves others unconditionally, he will not sin. Faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is Love.
I'm sorry I can't offer you a more interesting debate, for I will be me aside from the squibble-squabble of the world around me. God loves me just the way I am. His love for me will never change. Jesus loves me, this I know. His grace floods over me and saves. I strive for perfection in love for Him.
God's love for us is the only truth.
All my love always,