Tuesday, April 16, 2002

FLIGHT : love a.d.

Sent: 4/16/2002 7:09 PM

love a.d.

What does that say to you?
I hope it says something. =)

"love." Smile.

My eyes have been opened to an all-inclusive, unconditional love.
Love like I've never known.

Love that's always true.

Ironic that I spent most of my life not loving myself enough to accept such an amazing
love. Why did I feel so unworthy?

Prayers answered later, I love me.

Then comes the tight-rope balancing act of loving myself enough but not too much.
For there lies the straight and narrow path.

For when loving me, I can Truly love others.

Oh, and that Love that I was talking about: It makes me feel so good that I want to
love others. Not because He commanded me,

But because I LOVE sharing it.

love a.d.

What does that say to you?