Luck became superstitious hence
Lost its value along the way:
Sights of heads-up pennies entice
From the gray pavement below.
Shiny red metal, value itself,
Plus beyond.
If picked up.
If picked up.
Luck became superstitious hence
Lost its value along my way:
Coins thrown by God
For chanceful goodness ahead?
God is always Good. It is true.
Something He promised.
I believe.
I believe.
Luck became superstitious hence
Lost its value along Christ’s way:
He was not lucky when Judas kissed Him on the cheek.
He was not lucky when they lead Him away to Calvary.
But, Praise God He wasn’t lucky. Praise our Father for His eternal sight!
Christ wasn’t lucky to give us blessings overflowing.
We’re blessed with Something
Much more than just chance.