Sent: 6/24/2002 1:13 PM
A homeless couple has taken short-term residence in our stairwell leading to the roof. I’ve passed them lying on their recovered (formerly someone’s garbage) sofa cushions a few times on my way roofward to howl at the moon. They are so overly apologetic. So much so that Al “sorried” his way onto the roof to join me an evening or so ago. My countless, “It’s alright”s and “Don’t worry, it’s okay”s finally gave way to him crouching near me for a moment. Again apologizing, he told me that he was going to go to the welfare office the next day and that he was hoping that he and his girlfriend could be out of their situation very soon. They were really sorry and really embarrassed to have to be doing that, and they weren’t doing drugs or any of that shit, they had just hit hard times. Truly the economy is bad. I have friends without work. I offered Al whatever help I could, but he said they were going to be fine, and apologized again for having to take shelter in our stairwell. Just to think about sleeping there! It was troublesome. “Anything’s better than the street,” he said, and his words spoke a clear reality that I have been blessed to never know. His everyday was something I could only faintly imagine. Nevertheless, I felt it deeply sitting there beside him as our lives met rather distinctly and was saddened that in a land of so much plenty, their reality even had to exist. Wanting so much to give, rather stupidly, I offered at least a blanket, but they declined thankfully, saying it was hot. Yes, it is summer. They warmed smiles and thanked me for “everything”. And I thought I hadn’t done enough. I wished them good times ahead, and, more immediately, a comfortable night.
“Sweet dreams!” the girlfriend called out to me as I rounded the corner towards our apartment door. I smiled. “You too!” If she’s joyfully offering them to someone else, then she must be hopeful for them too. =)
Where there is hope, there is a way.
God bless Al and his girlfriend! In Jesus Christ’s name.