Sent: 6/2/2002 1:32 PM
On the Gay Christian Outreach website there was a message from the Presidental Prayer Partners. It shocked me. Such a non-separation of church and state. There is a very good reason for that inspiration our founding fathers of America had the insight of providing us. Let it be known that I do not support President Bush. I do not support any vengeful actions that would lead to the harm of another human being. Furthermore, I do not support war on a WORD! I think it is utter foolishness! It will do nothing but cause more strife for all parties involved. Lives are lost daily at the sake of that single word. Those souls are shown to the Lord. The day President George W. Bush felt the Divine authority to "hunt down and punish" was the day I lost faith in him as the leader of our country. Christ's message is one of Love. Never violence.
In fact, I think He even restored the servant's ear.